Monday, October 26, 2009

Hello Shitty People "Hello Shitty People" [199?]

Hello Shitty People "Hello Shitty People" // This Here Records // 199?

This record is a bit perplexing, but only because I can't date it. I should first say that I never saw this band, and know next to nothing about them -- I picked this 7" up at a bizarro show in Asheville, NC. I believe the bands featured were Operation: Cliff Clavin, This Bike Is A Pipe Bomb, David Dondero, and ADD/C. There may have been more -- who knows with punk shows and a decade of confusion. At this point I can't even remember what year it happened. I only know that I had a good time and had an almost equally interesting time arriving at my destination.

Regardless, the first three were Plan It X bands, which all sold Plan It X related material. The last band was a Chattanooga based punk band, and that's where I originally acquired this gem. All that I know is that Hello Shitty People were from Chattanooga, this 7" was put out by Chattanooga-based This Here Records, and that it slays. If anyone else has more information that would be awesome, and I'd urge you to comment.

As far as the "hits" go, my favorite song on side A has always been "Marketable Melancholy" -- and my favorite song on side B has always been the Funyons cover "I Kill Butterflies." Regardless of that fact, if you're a fan of raw punk, Busch beer, and bats carrying said beer -- you should definitely check this EP out.


Although this EP is no longer available, 1-2-3-4 Go!! has recently released the forever hidden LP.

1 comment:

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